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A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) Page 11
A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) Read online
Page 11
Right on the dot. "Yes."
Hunter drew her even closer to his body. "Same thing I felt when I had to leave you. One of the hardest things I ever had to do. I wanted to beg the Langes to take me with so I could take care of you. I felt empty for a long time after you left, because for all those months since the crash you were near me."
"You had such a strong sense about my grandparents. What do you think of Henry's uncle?" The elevator dinged, shuddered, then moved down another floor. The walls rattled. Becca took comfort in Hunter's heartbeat. She hadn't known some of what he just told her, about wanting to go home with her to take care of her. She wished he could have. She never realized either how much Hunter needed her back then as well.
"He's here, so that's a good sign. I don't know. I get a mix from him. Seems like a decent guy, and I knew right away he was honestly upset about his brother's death. Beyond that, I'm not sure."
They arrived on the first floor. Becca and Hunter pulled apart and continued their way out of the hospital. Each step further from Henry felt like a kick in the gut. Becca's mind was consumed with thoughts about the little boy who lost so much. He'd lost his father. His baby sister was so tiny and fragile, fighting for her life, as was his mother. Then comes in a family member who didn't know a thing about Henry.
Not that Becca knew anything about him either, but she knew where he was coming from. The feelings and the fear. She understood it so well.
"Damn. Look at the snow out there." Hunter pointed at the exit doors. "You want to take one car home and come back for the other? How good are you at driving in the snow?"
"Usually pretty good, but after witnessing the accident yesterday, I'm not sure I'm up to drive." Becca admitted."And my knees are swollen. I didn't have anything to take for it, and I wasn't comfortable asking the hospital for something." She'd probably have to wear her brace today.
"Well then, we'll take my car together and come back for yours later. Is there anything you need from it?"
"No. I have my purse with everything I needed."
A blast of cold winter air hit her once they were outside. Becca bowed her head to shield her face somewhat from the winds. Hunter cranked the heat as soon as they climbed in the car and he got the engine started. They stayed put in the parking spot for a few minutes as the engine warmed. He reached for her hand, gently twining his fingers through hers. She'd never get enough of his touch, even the slightest one. "I'm going to call Jed today. Not sure he'll make it out with this weather, but we've got to find something out. It's bad enough we have so many unanswered questions, but for these notes and warnings to start again? If you notice anything suspicious and out of the ordinary at all, no matter how big or small, you tell me, okay? Speaking of, and I know, this is a biggie. The last time I went to my PTSD meeting, I followed Jesse. I told you about him."
"Yes, I remember." Becca leaned back in her seat, shivering as she still struggled to get warm. Hunter's cold hand warmed as they still held hands.
"I can't believe I didn't bring it up until now. Anyway, he got really jittery that night after I mentioned our situation in Maryland. He practically choked on a cookie. I followed him that night on a whim. Get this- he rode his bike for a mile or so, then put it in the back of a truck and drove off."
"Okay, that's odd for sure." Becca sat up straight. But so what? It didn't mean anything. Why did Hunter tell her this?
"It gets better- or worse, depending on how you look at things. I snapped a photo of his license plate. He's from Maryland. And he's been very sporadic about coming to meetings." Hunter put the car in reverse and started for home.
Becca's unease grew. "Is there anyone we can trust? Everyone around us is a suspect! Just when we think we have an ally or someone not a part of this mess, we have more reason to question things!"
Chapter Eleven
"It took a bit, but I finally ran Jesse's plates," Jed informed Hunter over the phone later that day as they talked about the text from this morning.
Hunter stopped cold, afraid of what he'd uncovered. "Yeah?"
"Does the name Everett Jesse Laughlin ring any bells?"
"He goes by his middle name ... Hmm ... Interesting." Hunter thought about it for a second, then snapped his fingers. "Everett. Where have I heard that recently?"
"Unfortunately, I don't have much on him until the age of eighteen. He's got sealed records before that. He's from Maryland, or at least lived there at one time. Can't find anything on where he works right now, and he doesn't have any recent addresses."
"Weird. What's with all the need for secrecy?" Hunter muttered. He racked his brain, trying to figure out why he'd heard the name Everett before. It meant something, but what and why? Did Jesse have anything to do with what happened in Maryland? Was there a connection with Nathan? "Have you found any connections between Jesse and Nathan? I guess Jesse being from Maryland could easily be a coincidence, but it doesn't explain the other night. Considering the meetings we go to, I understand Jesse's hesitance to talk to anyone much, but why ride a bike for a distance just to get in a truck?" Was Jesse following him? Maybe Becca too? He didn't believe much in coincidences lately, that's for sure.
Was the guy even suffering from PTSD, or did he go to these meetings as a ploy to worm his way into Hunter's life?
Like Becca said earlier, everyone was a suspect. Damn it!
"So far? No. I can look further." Jed sounded tired. This poor man. He'd been running around non-stop for months with the two of them as they continued the quest for answers about their past.
"Maybe with Sylvia? This is crazy. There's so much of this, I don't know who to trust. Maybe Jesse won't know I followed him, and I can corner him at our next meeting." He wanted to know more than ever about him.
"Hunter, you need to be careful. It's obvious someone is watching and won't hesitate to do anything. More than one secret is at stake. Don't go out and do crazy stuff like following people again," Jed warned.
He sighed, knowing the man had a point. "I don't like feeling like everyone around me is watching and could strike at any time. I didn't think Jesse had anything to do with this. All I wanted was to learn a bit about him. Only reason I became more suspicious was because of the Maryland connection."
"Okay, well, don't give him any reason to run or hide. You've got to play this carefully, or you might cause a ripple of events. Promise me. Let me do what I do behind the scenes, and you go on being normal with Jesse."
"I'll try." Ha! Normal with Jesse? Not easy. He was gonna have to try hard. Everyone knew Hunter didn't do well with shutting his mouth. Great.
"I'll let you go for now. Take it easy." Jed hung up.
Hunter headed upstairs to see if Becca woke up from her nap yet. Maybe she'd recall where the name Everett came from. When he walked into their room, he was relieved to see her up. "Hey. How was your nap?"
Becca yawned. "Good. Still groggy, but I feel a little better."
He sat on the edge of the bed beside her. "I've got a question. Does the name Everett mean anything to you?"
Becca paled. She glanced at him with her mouth slightly ajar. "Yes! Well, kind of. Do you remember when we went to pack my apartment? When you and Rissi both left, someone came looking for a guy named Everett."
Aha! Yes. Now he remembered. How did he let that one slip past his memory?
"Why?" Becca scooted closer to him.
"Jed finally got something from running Jesse's plates. His name is Everett Jesse Laughlin."
"Coincidence. The name has to be!"
Hunter agreed, or at least, hoped, but lately there was no such a thing as coincidence anymore. Everything seemed to be so interconnected, he wondered where the original point was located. "Maybe we can search his name and see if any photos come up. I wish I could believe it's a coincidence. I don't trust anything right now."
Becca gripped his hand. "Let's do it. What happens if it's the same guy? Why would he ask- I don't even know what to think right now!"
Hunter sighed as they climbed to their feet. "Jed warned me away from approaching him, which I understand, but it's gonna be damn hard not to say anything. I want to know what his intentions are. What's he hiding? Why the hell is he here and following me to PTSD meetings? It sucks, because I actually liked the guy," he grunted.
Once inside the office, Hunter typed the name in the search bar. With a slight hesitance, he hit enter. When Becca gasped from behind him, he knew something wasn't right.
"Oh My God. That's the man who asked about Everett!"
He whirled around to face her. "That's Jesse. Why the hell would he ask about Everett if that's his name?"
"He knew of us in Vermont. He's from Maryland. He's here now. Hunter, this guy is following us for some reason."
"I know. I always thought he was just shy, or really wary of people. But he's avoiding meeting you because you would have recognized him. He probably never thought I'd follow him. Damn! How am I supposed to act normal? I need to tell Jed you recognize him."
They had to find a way to uncover all these questions somehow. Too many guilty parties, not enough answers.
Sunday morning, Hunter dropped Becca off at the hospital to pick up her car and check on Henry and his mother. Hunter headed off to Todd and Beverly's for brunch and time with Sienna. Once done at the hospital, Becca said she'd head there.
A few times yesterday, and especially last night, Henry had called. He was scared and needed a comforting voice to hear. He admitted he liked his uncle and that he seemed pretty nice, but had wanted to talk to her and Hunter a time or two. Becca never meant for a bond like this to form, but it did.
She figured she'd check in with Henry's mom first. Becca knocked on the already open door, unsure about entering. Cherie glanced up. She shot Becca a weak smile. "Hi! Come on in."
Becca approached, carefully studying the woman. She didn't look good. "How are you?"
"I've been better." Tears filled her eyes. "My baby girl has so many problems. She's so tiny! It's scary. I can't even hold her because she's hooked up to all those machines, fighting for her life. Henry is terrified, my husband is dead-" Her voice choked up, and sobs escaped her lips.
Becca took her hand. "I'm sorry," she whispered, pain etched in her own tone. "I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Becca, thank you so much for staying with my son Friday night. I was so afraid to be away from both my kids, but Celia said Henry took comfort with you and your fiancé. She told me you both understood Henry's situation." Curious eyes swept over her.
Becca nodded. "Yes. Hunter and I went through the worst tragedy as kids." She explained the plane crash and the five days on the island.
Henry's mom gripped her hand. "If anything happens to me, I want you to get Henry. My brother-in-law ... I don't trust him." Her voice came out low and raspy.
Becca's stomach knotted. Why did she have to talk like this? In her situation, she probably had to, but it sounded so ominous. "You're going to come out of this just fine. Your babies need you," she insisted, keeping positive.
Wide dark eyes stared hard at Becca. Her grip tightened. "Please. Please say you will," she pleaded.
"I- Okay. Whatever I can do." Becca stuttered, feeling guilty for saying this when she had no idea what the future would hold. But if it meant calming her down, then so be it.
It worked. Henry's mom let go of her and relaxed. "I don't want to die," she whispered, "but I feel lost. My husband- he was my best friend."
"I understand." Becca thought of Hunter, her own best friend. She'd be devastated if anything happened to him. When he flatlined in Rhode Island, she thought her whole world was over. They'd just found each other a second time after so much, and if anything had happened ... Becca shook it off. "But-"
"Mommy! Becca!" Henry bolted in the room and ran right up to the bed. He leaned over to kiss his mother's cheek, then hugged Becca. "I didn't know you were here!"
"I came by to say hi." Becca returned his hug. She sensed a presence behind her and whirled around. Henry's uncle stood there, and he nodded a hello at her. "I'll give you and your mom some privacy." Feeling a little overwhelmed with everything, Becca excused herself and left the room. She leaned against the wall outside the door, unsure what to make of everything. She felt as if a black cloud hung over her world, bringing everyone down. Ugh, why did that thought pop in her head? Time for something positive, dang it!
"Becca, hi," a male voice said from beside her. Startled, she faced Henry's uncle Stan.
"Hi," she said tentatively.
"I never got a chance to thank you for what you did."
"You were there for my brother's wife and kids. Henry doesn't stop talking about you or Hunter." He stepped closer. His presence intimidated her. She wanted to take a step back, but that would mean showing her discomfort.
"I did what any other person in that situation would do," she insisted, stepping back. So much for sticking it out.
He halted. "No, you went above and beyond. I don't know what's going to happen, and I wish I'd put my anger to rest with my brother years ago. I didn't get that chance. All I can do now is be here for his family, but it's not an easy position. I've been sitting with Henry, visiting the baby, and watching Cherie suffer. She hasn't visited her daughter but twice, and she's- Well, I don't know. She acts like she won't be around much longer. I'm trying to get the arrangements on the funeral done, and she's..." He let out an exhausted sigh.
The same thing Becca dealt with this morning. "I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Me too. This is going to be weird, but do you think you- No, never mind." He looked away.
"What is it?" Becca asked softly.
"Cherie won't be able to go to the funeral. I'm worried about her. Maybe if you have time to spare, you could sit with her during the time? I think..." He looked in the direction of the room. "If her injuries don't kill her, the depression will," he whispered.
Becca's heart clenched. "When is the funeral?" Stan's words were an out loud reaction to her inner thoughts.
"Tuesday at ten."
That quick? She'd have to work, but Liane would most likely give her some time. "I'll be here. How is the baby?"
"So damn tiny. She looks like a doll. So unreal. I wonder if babies can sense trouble. Does she feel alone? Unwanted? Scared? A baby's birth is supposed to be a happy time for a family, but this one is surrounded by darkness."
Becca swallowed a lump forming in her throat. She covered her chest with her hand, overcome with empathy pain. "No one is sitting with her?" An image filled her mind. Then another, and another. They all terrified her and made her emotional discomfort raise sky high.
"I do, but I split my time up, because Henry can't go in yet. He's got open wounds from the accident, and because of the sensitivity of the babies in there, can't see his sister yet."
She didn't know why, because the situations were different, but Becca wondered if the Langes held their real baby Becca before the plan took effect. Then she thought about her biological parents. Did her real parents love her? Did they want her? Why did her brother run to the Beckmans and bring her with? Like photographs flipping in a quick, rapid motion, her mind went into overdrive, taking her on a painful journey. She let out a cry, not realizing at first that she'd done so.
"Becca?" The man touched her shoulder.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm okay," she lied. Becca was far from okay. "I know I'm probably not allowed in the NICU, but is it possible to see the baby from a window or something?" She had no control over the past and how she was handled as a baby, or the baby she'd replaced, but for a little while she could watch over a new baby, born into this world during a family tragedy.
So much pain, hurt, and trauma. Lies and secrets. When would it stop? It all seemed to circle around her life, and for once, she thought about letting it all go and breaking down. Her body trembled with all of the past years of devastation. She had to get out of here soon. It hurt too much,
brought on so many memories and images she hadn't expected.
"I think it's a good idea." Becca glanced up to see Celia. She had no idea she'd come by. "I feel terrible over this whole scenario. We just need to get Cherie's permission, and you can take a peek at the baby."
As everyone thought, Cherie agreed. Henry's uncle stayed behind with Henry, so Celia took Becca by the NICU. "Do you get decent vibes from the uncle? Cherie is really hesitant about him," Celia asked on the way.
"He seems okay. I haven't been around long enough to make a good or bad judgment call either way, especially in the situation," Becca answered. "I also think Cherie isn't well emotionally, so it's honestly hard to judge what she says and feels because her senses are heightened from the accident and having a baby."
"Yeah." Celia seemed to be lost in thought. They walked the maze of hallways until they approached a locked door. "Okay, I'll direct you to a window. Next time, if you come up, you'll have to have your ID, we have to take a picture ... it gets to be a process, but we have to keep the babies protected."
"No problem." Becca waved it off. She tried to keep her mind from going places it shouldn't, but the damage had already been done. Caught between the past and present, she feared what happened next in all aspects of her life.
I'm not sure I can really let go. I need to know.
Standing in front of the designated window, Becca spotted Celia. She stood near the front, and in the bed was the tiniest baby Becca had ever seen. Her hand flew to her mouth, and she couldn't tear her eyes away. The poor little girl. She'd never meet her father. Her mother clung to life trying to sort out her feelings. Her brother wasn't sure what to make of things. Angry tears slid down her cheeks. Life could be unfair sometimes!
Becca's text notification went off. Thinking it was Hunter checking up with her, Becca anxiously pulled the phone from her pocket. Her pulse quickened when she couldn't get a valid number. The text that followed made her sick to her stomach.
A life so fragile, much like yours. Maybe you should stop looking. You were given away for a reason.