Offbeat (Love and Music In Texas Book 5) Page 15
“Chris, I don't even know what to say to this.”
Kyra's eyes lit up at the mention of Chris. She opened her laptop again, typed something on the keyboard, then turned the screen toward Taryn. What is he saying?
Taryn held up a finger, still stunned.
“I have an admission to make, and will tell you how it relates to this idea,” he said quietly. “I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, thanks to you.”
“You make it hard to say no,” Taryn mused.
“Am I that charming?”
“Hmm. That one remains to be seen,” she teased.
“Burned by the drummer girl!”
They shared a laugh. “All right. I'm game with your interesting plan, which says a lot, because I'm terrified of the idea right now.” To say the least. There were other feelings and thoughts involved, but that one took the biggest piece of the pie. She'd avoided the idea of swimming because she didn't think it would work. How can you swim without the use of your legs? Taryn sure as hell didn't want to drown.
Kyra continued gesturing, throwing her hands in the air in a wave as if to say 'Hello? What is going on?', her eyes wide. Taryn stifled a laugh. She might be having a little too much fun tormenting her friend. Now it became a game.
“I want to get to know you. I thought maybe if we did something like this, it would help get past this awkwardness. Like I said, you'll have a better understanding once I tell you the rest.”
“Yeah, and how long do you plan to keep me in suspense?”
“I'll be over there in less than an hour if you're free.”
“Hell, even if I wasn't, I am now just to find out your plan,” Taryn shot back. “But … where are we doing this? I mean, is it really feasible? I think the shock has worn off, because now I have too many questions.”
“It's feasible. Honestly, I've been debating whether I wanted to ask or not. It's out of the blue, and I don't know you well enough to ask you to put trust in me-”
“You ramble a lot when you're nervous, don't you?” Taryn chuckled.
“That might be too true. See you soon?”
“Sounds good.” Something which resembled a warm and fuzzy feeling fluttered through her, a feeling she hadn't felt in ages. Hell! She didn't even have a swimsuit! When the call disconnected, Taryn set her phone down on the table, her mind racing.
“I was so going to reach over and put the damn thing on speaker! The suspense is killing me! I hate suspense!” Kyra pounced, practically bursting at the seams. “Spill, spill!”
Taryn scratched the side of her neck. “I made mention on our first date that I miss swimming. He wants to take me swimming.”
“No denying it, the man is interested in you.” Kyra propped a hand under her chin and stared at Taryn with a huge smile.
“So one day, when we were over at his apartment, we were making out. He was definitely interested in more, but I balked. For … reasons.” Taryn blew out a breath.
“And then the kiss with Alice last weekend.” Kyra nodded. “It all makes sense now. So this swimming thing is Chris' way of trying to get close to you. Taryn, that's huge!”
“I know, and it's also making me nervous. I sound like the biggest idiot right now,” she grunted.
Kyra's smile became sympathetic. “No. You like him too, and it scares you for multiple reasons. Sounds more like a woman unsure of her surroundings and her place in the world.”
Ugh, once again her friend hit it right on target.
“I don't even think I have a swimsuit.” Not that it was her biggest worry.
“We've always been a similar size.” Kyra's eyes lit up. “And I do. Swimsuits, pep talks, and laughter on the way. Let's go.”
Chris pulled up to the gym he'd checked into and couldn't wait to get inside with Taryn. He'd specifically spoken to one of the trainers there who would guide them tonight. He'd gone that far before bringing this idea up to Taryn. It inhabited his mind for days until he had it all in place, and it still left him nervous to ask her.
“Geez, I haven't been to a gym since before the accident. Any kind of physical therapy was done at the hospital and home.” Taryn pressed her face against the window. “And this place has adapted equipment?”
“Yep. I've even spoken to a trainer who's inside and waiting to meet you.”
Taryn faced him quickly, her mouth in an O. “You really have been thinking about this!”
He pulled into a parking spot close to the building and killed the engine. “I have. I think about you a lot. Are you ready?”
“Yes and no.” She panicked. “I want this, but...”
Chris palmed the side of her face. “I won't let anything happen to you. Neither will Evan, the trainer.”
“This isn't like the arcade. I could drown!”
“Look at me,” Chris said as calm as he could be.
She did. Taryn's eyes were wide and full of feeling. “I loved swimming growing up. Like the drums, it came natural. I felt right at home. But-”
“No buts. I don't know why you were never shown all of this stuff before, but there's still so much you can do,” he promised.
“I know. I think that's the end of my meltdown.” she laughed. The sound came out dry, forced, and unsure. “This is what happens when I slowly re-enter the land of the living.”
“Maybe stop looking at your life as two different versions of yourself,” Chris suggested.
“Easier said than done, but it doesn't change the fact that I need to do it. All right, that's it!” Taryn clapped her hands. “I'm ready. Throw me in that water and make me work for it.”
“Umm, no. But we'll get you swimming again.” And other things. Chris would ensure Taryn enjoyed many of the things she'd loved once before.
Maybe he'd get a chance to enjoy life again, because thanks to her, he already started to. Chris climbed out of the car and unfolded Taryn's chair, setting it beside the passenger side. Once she was settled, he grabbed his duffel bag from the back and slung it over his shoulder.
Once inside, Chris immediately spotted Evan. He waved and weaved around equipment to come talk to them. “Hi Chris. And you must be Taryn! I'm Evan.”
“Hi. Good to meet you,” Taryn said. She glanced around the gym. “Wow, so you actually have a lot of equipment and accessibility for paraplegics.”
“We sure do. We try to accommodate all types of disabilities.” Evan nodded, more than a hint of pride in his voice. “Chris tells me you're a drummer.”
Taryn peered back at Chris for a second before answering. “I am. I wanted my music back after the accident. It took a few years to get over my pity party, but I'm drumming again.”
“And she's really, really good,” Chris bragged, resting a hand on her shoulder.
Evan nodded at them with a smile. “I hear you miss swimming.”
“This is a little awkward, knowing you two have talked about me and I never knew.” Taryn laughed. “But yes, I miss swimming. Before … well, when I was younger, I used to compete on the swim team in school. I didn't get much swimming in while I was on the road with the band, but I'd go to the hotel pool every chance I could.”
“Well, tonight we'll show you some tips and tricks to get you swimming again. You'll find our locker rooms are accessible as well, and you can come out to the pool from there easily.”
“I'm actually already in my swimsuit. I just put clothes on over it.” Taryn's voice filled with excitement.
“Let's meet near the pool in about ten minutes?” Even glanced between the two of them. He ran a hand over his buzzed head, awaiting an answer.
“Works for me.” Chris nodded. As he was about to head toward the men's locker room, Taryn called out to him. “Yeah?” He turned around.
“Thank you for this. It means a lot.” Her eyelashes lowered, then moved upward again, revealing her gorgeous green eyes.
Her expression, every detail of her face, her eyes, and the way tears pooled in the corners would forever burn a spot
in his memory. He ran back toward her, kissed her forehead and looked into her eyes. “You're welcome, Taryn.” It took him a while to let go of the moment so they could go to the pool. He didn't want to break their contact.
Taryn stared at the water, sparkling in the light as it rippled. Memories of her middle school and early high school days filled her head. The cheering. The excitement. The thrill of making it to the very end. She'd been proud of those days. Two totally different things, drums and swimming, were the events which made up her teenage years. They filled the emptiness in her heart.
So maybe she'd never swim the same again. She'd never compete and feel the adrenaline rush, but damn it, she was slowly getting her life back. The little things meant a whole lot.
Tears threatened to fall. “Ugh, I've never been this damn sentimental before!” Her words echoed off the walls.
“There's nothing wrong with being sentimental,” Chris said from behind her.
“Ahh! Geez, don't scare me like that!” Taryn shrieked, moving away from the water. She eyed Chris in his swim trunks. Hell, he was ripped. Taryn bet those were rock hard muscles, or at least, they sure as heck looked like it. He must work out a lot.
“Don't mind my white belly. I haven't been in the sun without a shirt on in a while.” He slid her a smile.
Damn! Caught. Taryn's cheeks heated. “It's a good thing you can't see mine. It's a lot worse.” Lame! Hello! But she couldn't come up with anything better, and it sucked getting caught staring, too.
“Were you a bikini girl in your wild years?” His grin widened.
“How much is it worth to know the answer?” she shot back playfully.
“I can always ask Kyra.” His brows rose as he teased in a lightly threatening manner.
“Ugh. Stop using my friend against me.” She giggled. “Yes, I was a bikini kind of girl. Nothing insanely skimpy, but I wore them.”
“Ooooh, do you have any pictures?” He waggled his eyebrows.
“I might, somewhere.”
Their conversation was cut short by Evan entering the pool area. Talk about muscles! He was even more well built than Chris, and that said a lot.
And if she didn't quit staring, Taryn would lose her cool. Sheesh, what had gotten into her lately? Oh yeah. Years of semi-solitary confinement and not being around people.
“Ready to get in that water?” Evan's enthusiasm and calm voice helped Taryn relax.
“Don't let me drown,” she said as she gripped the edges of her chair.
“No one drowns on my watch. You'll be in safe hands. Plus, we have your boyfriend here who I know looks out for you.” Evan gestured at Chris.
Boyfriend? Taryn opened her mouth to correct him, but nothing came out. Chris watched her with curiosity.
“Okay, Taryn, let's get you ready for your transfer into the water. Wheel yourself as close to this as possible.” Evan patted a contraption at the edge of the pool which she imagined was what would set her in the water.
She did, and kept looking to make sure she wasn't too close to the edge. Rational or irrational paranoia, she didn't want to hit the water unprepared. “Is this good enough?”
“Should be perfect. You're the boss here, so you tell me what you need,” Evan stood behind her. “But from my end, looks good. Make sure your brakes are on. I also brought you a life vest. This will keep you afloat for your first time. I'm not sure we'll use them today or not, but we also have ankle weights.” Evan handed her a life vest. “You need to tell me if it fits exactly, okay?”
“Will do.” Taryn locked her brakes first, then double checked them. Yeah, she definitely wanted to do that. No repeats of the other weekend. Taryn put the life vest on next and waited for more instruction from Evan.
“Okay, now we need to get you on the lift. Part of this will include me, or Chris if you prefer, lifting you.”
Taryn nodded and peered past Evan to see what Chris was doing. Not that she didn't trust Evan, he was trained for this, but she was more comfortable with Chris in general. “Would you mind?”
“Not at all.” He approached her. “Ready? Let's scoot you forward, and then I'll lift.”
Taryn nodded and did so as best as she could. When Chris lifted her in his arms, she closed her eyes, not wanting to see the pool water behind her.
“There. Done. You can open your eyes now, Taryn.”
She blinked several times, focusing on Chris' face. “Sorry. Kinda freaking out a little.”
“That's all right.” He sent her a smile before turning toward the stairs that led to the pool.
“Okay. Let's get you set up and lowered in. Just grab hold of the side until we're ready to get started. Tell me if you have any questions or concerns.” Evan was really good at keeping her calm. She appreciated the gesture more than words could express.
Less than ten minutes later, they lowered her into the water. The temperature of the pool startled her. So warm! Very comfortable, actually. She gripped the edge of the pool and held on for dear life. Who would have thought she'd be deathly afraid of three foot deep water when she'd been one hell of a competitor in her early teen years?
“I'm right here behind you,” Chris said softly close to her ear. “Not that you're going to let go of your death grip, but I'm feeling the need to stand here and hold you close to me. It would even be better if you let me turn you around so I can see your face.”
She wanted that, but... “I'm not ready to let go.”
Hands landed on her sides. “Hmm... Okay. Hold on. I've got an idea.” Without another word, Chris moved. A splash startled her and seconds later, he swam under her arms and situated himself between her and the edge of the pool. His head popped out of the water. “There. All you have to do is hold on to me.” His arms encircled her. She was safe. Taryn could let go and cling to him.
“Sorry in advance if I dig too much into your skin,” Taryn whispered as she attempted to let go. One, two, three. There. Done! She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“You're just fine. You won't hurt me,” he assured her, his eyes blazing with amusement. “I love the way you look in a swimsuit. But then again, I love the way you look when you're sweaty and pounding the drums. Most of all, I love that I'm holding you against me right now.”
“Chris,” she uttered, completely taken by storm. This man took her by surprise. She felt a lot of things for him and about him, and it only grew more as he pulled things like this. She'd been down this road before, right after the accident, but Chris was different. He wouldn't leave her broken and angry. Her insecurities were all her own, and Taryn felt horrible for the way things went down last weekend and her reaction about Alice kissing him.
I trust him. I really like him.
“All right, Taryn, let's get you swimming.” Evan waded in the water toward them, a smile lighting up his face. “Might have to let go of your girl for a while, Chris.”
He chuckled, but still held on. “I know, but I think you need to tell Taryn to let go.”
His girl. Chris didn't even bat an eye at Evan's words.
“I'm not ready to let go yet.” She held Chris tighter.
“Not that I want you to, but I promise, you'll be fine. You have a floating device on. Even if you didn't, you'd still be safe.” Chris gently touched her face, then moved in for a kiss. “I'm gonna let you go now, Taryn. You have to do the same.”
She nodded slowly. “Okay. Here goes.”
Chris let go first. Taryn blew out a breath and let go of him. This was weird. Way weird. Her first instinct was to stand, but that wouldn't work, so she allowed herself to sink a little further in the water, knowing she couldn't drown. She could do this. Taryn stared down at her legs beneath the surface.
“Why don't we start off with getting you comfortable with the water? You can float on your back and let your mind and body come to terms with it.” Evan approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Remember to trust me.”
She nodded. “I'll do my best.”r />
Under his instruction, Taryn moved into the position he'd suggested. She stared up at the bright lights above her.
“Chris, why not go and hold her legs up? I'll stay here by her upper body,” Evan suggested.
Taryn stared at Chris as he moved to her legs. He sunk lower in the water and put his hands underneath her legs.
“How do you feel, Taryn?” Evan asked.
“Getting comfortable. This is weird, but I love that I'm in the pool again.”
“Comfortable enough to test your strength? I'll give you several tips and tricks to get you ready to take your first few strokes.”
“I-I think so,” she stammered, ready, but in the same sense, not ready for this.
“You might go under the water a lot more, but you have your vest on. We'll start off slow, and get you exactly where you need to go.”
“I'm swimming! I'm really doing this!” Taryn forced herself to tone down the excitement a little in order to not go under, but after two hours of training, she finally had something to show. She continued to push herself until she made it to Chris. He stood a few feet away, watching her with pride.
She started to tire, but Taryn wasn't going to stop until she was in his arms. Her upper arm strength was great, but this was still strenuous, especially after working so hard. It would take a while to get used to this, and she swallowed way more pool water than she'd care to admit, but it was more than worth it. After a few times swimming with her vest on, she'd made a bold move and had asked to swim without it. A few times trying to make it to the other end of the pool where Chris waited, she wanted to ask for it back. But she pushed harder, fighting against her weakness.
“You've got this, Taryn. Come on.” Chris cheered her on.
One stroke at a time. One push at a time. Evan had secured her legs together to help keep her balance, and it worked. She swam closer and closer, finally reaching Chris. He pulled her close and held on tight. “Amazing. Good job, Taryn!” His hands were in her wet tangles.
She blew out a breath, coughed, and relaxed against him. Her heart pounded against her chest.