A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) Read online

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  "What?" He wasn't up for more surprises, but this one at least sounded like it could have been a good one.

  "We had an engagement party planned for you two."

  "Oh. Wow. I had no idea." That caught him off guard.

  Shara socked his arm. "Duh! That's what it was supposed to be, but..."

  "Don't change it." Hunter and Shara turned at the sound of Becca's voice. She stood at the landing of the stairs.

  "Bec..." Hunter started.

  "No. Please. I just want normal. I'm tired of not normal. I want to celebrate our upcoming marriage with people we love. Please?" she pleaded.

  Normal. He'd longed for that for the longest time, too. If Becca was up for a celebration, then he'd go for it.

  "Okay. Whatever you want." Shara nodded. "Sorry I had to ruin the surprise."

  "You know, I'm tired of surprises anyway," Becca muttered, then headed back upstairs again.

  "You have every right to be worried," Shara said after a long silence. "I recognize myself in her right now. Pushing for normal when there's no such thing in her head."

  Hunter sure as heck didn't want to hear that, but hell, what was another hit when they'd already had so many? His spirits tanked, and he wondered what came next.

  Chapter Four

  "I didn't expect you to be in today." Dr. Velez followed Becca down the hall of the Lange Center the next day. "How are you?"

  Becca stopped her brisk walking pace to face her coworker and friend. "Why not? I already missed more days than I should have." Her tone came out harsh, and she knew it. Dr. Velez's eyes went wide, and she reeled back. "And I'm fine. Everyone keeps asking me that. What more can I say?"

  "Becca, you-"

  "Don't! Don't say it! I know what I did. Trust me, I know. But he-" She choked back a frustrated cry. "I have to move past it. I have to think positive." She had to stop snapping at everyone, too. "Liane, I'm sorry. I needed to come in. I can't sit around at home and let my thoughts swallow me whole."

  "Fair enough." The woman nodded. Sympathy reflected in her eyes. "You just let me know if you need a break or anything, okay?"

  "I will," Becca promised. "I didn't mean to snap. Everyone is hovering over me, and it's a little suffocating. I know you're all worried, but I'm going to be fine. I'm where I need to be. Home, and back to normal." She excused herself and went back to work.

  For the rest of the day, no one hovered. Becca still noticed the curious looks and concerned whispers, but they all backed off. Becca clocked out, said good bye to everyone, and walked through the lobby when she passed by a man staring at one of her paintings on the wall. It was one Hunter had hung up years ago, or so he'd told her. Curious, she changed directions and walked toward the front desk, pretending to look for something. The man continued to study the painting. Why? Who was he? What was he thinking right about now?

  Becca was so busy trying to figure out what the man's intentions were that she didn't realize how close she'd come to the corner of the desk. "Ow!" she yelled, startled. She clamped a hand over her mouth. Now she'd done it.

  The man whirled around as Becca rubbed her leg. "Those pesky desks always get in the way, don't they?" He sent her a warm smile, his tone teasing. "Are you just as enthralled with this panting as I am?"

  Well, that answered one of her million questions. Becca rubbed her sore leg and approached the man. She guessed him to be in his forties. He fixed a gaze on her, his brown eyes inquisitive. "You like it?"

  "Like it? The painting intrigues me. I'd love to pick the artist's mind. I came out here to take a breather. The testing process to get in the program here is very hard to see sometimes. I've been looking at the paintings scattered on the walls. I can tell they're by one person. Whoever they are has a unique style. While each piece is different, there's one thing that links them together."

  Becca's pulse raced, hearing a complete stranger give such high praise to her art, and he didn't even know they were hers.

  "Ah, there you are! You're enjoying our resident artist, huh? We took a quick break." Liane approached the lobby.

  The man stared at Becca in surprise. "You? You're the artist?"

  "I am." Heat rushed to her face. This was strangely intimidating and awkward.

  He held out his hand. "I'm Brock Wright. Very pleased to meet you."

  "Becca Lange." She shook his hand. He held it a little longer than normal.

  "Lange?" He glanced at the bulletin board which had the center's name on it, then back to Becca with curiosity.

  "Becca's fiancĂ© is one of the founders of the Lange Center. His inspirations are based on Becca," Liane boasted. "She's also working our fine arts program. We're very lucky to have her."

  She flushed. How red were her cheeks right about now? Becca took a step back. "I'm lucky to be here."

  "Wow. Who would have thought I'd be face to face with the artist? I'm one myself and have a gallery nearby. Becca, we should talk." He fished out a card from his wallet and handed it to her. "I should get back, but I'm serious. Please consider getting in touch with me. Your work would do well."

  Her stomach knotted. Becca took the card from him, and she had to keep from screaming out loud in excitement. "Thank you. I will. Good luck with the program testing. It's a wonderful place. I need to get home, but it was nice to meet you. See you tomorrow, Liane." She waved and took off, but overheard a bit of the conversation as she left. "Talented. Inspirational." Were they still talking about her?

  The card burned a hole in her pocket. This man seriously wanted her to call him! Did that mean he wanted to put her work in a gallery? Becca had a hard time focusing on the way home. She'd silently begged for normal for months, and especially in the past few days. Normal wasn't getting a major compliment from someone who appreciated art and owned a gallery, but hey, she'd take it. Much better than thinking about dead-

  "No!" Becca scolded herself as she arrived home. "I won't let you get in my head." If she continued to think about it, she wouldn't be able to hold it in any more. Positive. Think positive. Think about the future. Hunter. Their wedding. Dreams.

  Anything but what she couldn't control or change.

  Hunter wasn't home yet, so Becca headed straight for her art studio, feeling inspired to create something.

  When she stared at her work in progress, Becca realized her inner thoughts had found a way to the canvas in a very exploring, dark manner. She didn't know what to do with this particular piece. The mix of feeling like a replacement child and the fact that someone went to lengths to keep the truth hidden got to her far more than she realized.

  Time to let this dry and then figure out what to do with it from there. No one else needed to see this.


  Hunter rushed home, eager to get to Becca. Ever since Dr. Velez called him at lunch to express her concerns about Becca, he couldn't stop worrying. Becca acted like nothing was wrong. Maybe that was a good thing, but he doubted it. She went from her shell shocked state of mind in Maryland to calm and as if nothing happened when they returned home. Did she not process the attack? Was she trying to be strong again and hide her feelings? He wondered about her breaking point. She'd had so much thrown at her. Despite his attempts to let her know she didn't have to hold it in, Becca did it anyway, probably because old habits were hard to break.

  "Becca?" he called when he walked inside. "I'm home!" The house was quiet. He'd probably find Becca in her favorite spot working on something new, so Hunter went straight for there first. Becca met him in the hallway. She had her long hair pinned up in a messy bun. He wrapped her in his arms.

  "I have some big news for you," she said with excitement after they kissed.

  "Oh? What's that? Why don't we figure something out for dinner and you tell me?"

  "Dinner ... Oh wow. I got so lost in painting, I never even thought about it."

  Hunter laughed. "We're way too alike. Come on. I'll whip up something quick. Tell me your news!" Becca followed him downstairs. He searched the pantry
for something easy. Becca stood behind him.

  "Well, just as I left work today, I met a man in the lobby as he stared at my painting."

  "The one hanging over the bulletin board?" Hunter loved that one. He'd set it specifically there to catch people's eyes right away. He frowned at how empty the pantry shelves were. After being away for longer than expected, he'd forgotten that they needed to stock up on stuff. Well, damn. Guess they could go grab takeout. He was way too exhausted for a sit down dinner somewhere, but hunger pains hit. He needed something, whatever that would be.

  "Yep. We struck up a conversation after I went a round about way to see what he was doing without actually asking. I bumped into the desk." She laughed. "So that grabbed his attention, and he said something about wanting to pick the artist's brain about the painting. Liane walked in and told him I was the artist. He's one himself, and he owns a gallery."

  Hunter stopped searching the pantry and whirled around to face Becca. "Really? And?" Excitement ran through him. He had a feeling he knew how this story would end, but he waited for Becca to finish.

  "He gave me his card and wants me to call him. I can't believe it!" Becca's eyes twinkled with amazement.

  Ha! Yes! He pumped a fist in the air with triumph. "Told you! That's right, I'm pulling the I told you so card today." Hunter picked her up and twirled her all around the kitchen. She laughed and held on tight. "My soon-to-be wife is going to be a big star this year!"

  "Now don't get so far ahead of yourself. He just wants to talk." Becca squealed while her feet were still in the air. Hunter set her down, still grinning like a fool.

  "Yeah, he doesn't want to just talk, Becca. If he wants to pick the artist's brain, as you say, he wants to buy and showcase you. I've got a great feeling about this. Finally!" He thrust his fist in the air again.

  Hunter ordered delivery, and he sat Becca down in the living room as they waited. He didn't want to ruin the buzz of excitement over the gallery owner, but he wasn't going to avoid the subject of Becca's avoidance, either. "Bec," he started as he took her soft hands in his. "I know you're tired of everyone hovering and asking how you are, but-"

  She groaned. "Not this again. I'm fine!"

  "I wish I could believe that," he replied gently.

  "You don't believe me?" Becca narrowed her eyes. There went the nostril flare, too.

  He looked her in the eye. "I know you believe it, but from my standpoint, I worry. You went from one extreme to the other in quick time." Sure, she'd always done that, but then she'd never been attacked and had a gun go off, resulting in a man's death. Could she still be in a state of shock? Becca acted normal, but it was too fast of a move for such an extreme situation. He wasn't trying to push, but with the way he'd been in these cases, they were both better off facing the facts before it was too late.

  "What does everyone want me to do? Break down and cry? Hide from the world? I've done enough of that. I dealt with it, Hunter. The man is dead, and I'm sorry for it. I'm sorry for his family who has to live without him, but he came after me and Joe! I did what was best to save our lives. I know I was scared that night, but I've dealt with my feelings. I want to focus on the good things, because there are far too many bad ones. I'm not you. I can-" Her lashes lowered and she looked away. She didn't finish.

  Hunter opened and shut his mouth. Becca didn't have to complete her sentence. He knew what she meant. She wasn't like him. She could handle it. Whether Becca meant it in a mean way or not, it hurt. He sighed.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it as bad as that came out." Becca reached for his hand.

  "That hurt, Bec. I don't want to go down this road again. I'm not trying to push or hover. I'm trying to understand. I know you handle things well, you always have, but this baffles me." He chose his words very carefully, still unsure.

  "I know you had great memories in Maryland on this trip, but personally, I'd like to forget and leave the bad behind. In fact, I'm still thinking you should stop searching. I can't hold on, waiting every day for a clue to my past. It's been killing me enough, and I don't want it to hang over me so much."

  Hunter had no idea what to say. He digested Becca's words.

  The doorbell rang. Probably their food. Becca pulled her hands from his and went to answer it.

  This still wasn't right, and he didn't have any idea how to get Becca to let it all out before she couldn't take any more. She'd somehow convinced herself she was fine. Hunter knew better. He'd been there himself. Becca did a damn good job reminding him of that just now.


  One surprise Becca never anticipated waited for her at home the next evening with Hunter and Shara. "Rissi!" she squealed, running to her best friend's open arms. "You're here!"

  "Surprise! I know you know about our plans, but I still had to throw you for a loop at least once!" Rissi bear hugged her. It was so good to have her here! Becca beamed. "I originally thought to wait until the party to surprise you, but I brought an outfit I think you'll love."

  "That's great. I have exciting news to tell you!" Becca kissed Hunter hello, rubbing her hand across his smooth skin. His intense gaze searched her face, probably still wondering if she was really okay. Becca wished he wouldn't worry so much. This was the time to let the past go. It didn't do either of them any good to dwell. Hunter already had a chance to make peace by seeing his old house, meeting up with a childhood friend, and having Joe in his life.

  She had to face the reality that she may never get that chance. Maybe it was better not knowing. She'd just live the life she'd been forced into and be Rebeeca Lange, soon to be Beckman. That was that.

  Rissi carried a bag and followed Becca upstairs. Once in the bedroom, Becca closed the door, and Rissi pulled out the contents of the bag. Becca took a look and immediately picked up the pair of pants Rissi laid on the bed. "You found a pair in my size!" Becca hugged them to her chest. The last time she saw Rissi, she wore a pair of stylish and flashy pants that Becca wanted, but their sizes varied so much. They were a little loud, as people liked to say, but the various shades of purple on the pants suited Becca.

  "Yep! I went searching for these. Thought you'd want to debut them tonight. Unless you have a dress or something?"

  "No, I never had time to shop, and even if I did, I'd pick these over a dress any day. I love them! Thank you, Rissi!"

  "And here's a top I found that will compliment them." Rissi hugged her again. "So, news. What's the excitement?"

  Becca wondered why Rissi never asked about Maryland and how she felt. Not that she wanted her to, but Rissi said what she had on her mind all the time, so it surprised her. Maybe Hunter warned her off. Oh well. This way she didn't have to talk about it. Good. Maybe everyone finally got the hint.

  While getting dressed, Becca told her about the art gallery owner and what he said. Rissi screamed really loud.

  "Becca?" Hunter called from the other side. "Everything okay?"

  "We're fine! Rissi's just freaking out because I told her about the gallery owner."

  Hunter laughed. "Okay. Stop scaring us like that, Rissi," he chided.

  "I'll try!" Rissi called back, laughing.

  Becca dressed quickly, did a small touch of makeup, and ran a brush through her hair. She and Rissi left the room giggling.

  "Ready?" Hunter exited the office. He wore khaki pants and a black button down shirt.

  "Ready." She took his outstretched hand and gave him a quick kiss. At least now he wasn't looking at her with worry. Maybe they could go for a normal night after all.


  "What a turnout!" Hunter stood next to Beverly, Todd, and Shara as he kept an eye on Becca. She sat cross legged in a chair next to Rissi, and they were engaged in conversation. "I can't believe you guys pulled this off. Thank you."

  "You deserve it," Shara said softly. She stared in the same direction Hunter did. "After the hellish few months, it's the least we could do." She gestured in Becca's general direction. "Still can't get her to talk about it?"
  Becca tossed her head back, laughing. What were they talking about? "No. She's sticking to the fact that she's fine."

  "It'll hit her when it's least expected." Shara sounded like she knew from experience. Would she eventually tell him what happened now that she'd mentioned an incident?

  "I know she doesn't want to go back to the state of mind she was in right after Sylvia came out of the blue. There's been one hit right after another recently." Hunter stuffed his hands in his pockets as he continued to watch Becca. Sienna bounced with excitement as she climbed up on Becca's lap.

  Rissi stood and made her way to the head of the table. Everyone quieted down while she began her speech. "Ten years ago, I met my best friend Becca when I moved into the apartment complex she'd lived in since she was seventeen. I've watched her grow as a person and become stronger every day. I know you all know what she went through, so I don't need to get into details. Becca inspires me all the time. I can't tell you how happy I am that these two hard headed soul mates finally gave in to what I knew for years- at least on Becca's end. She's loved Hunter forever, but wouldn't ever admit it."

  Hunter moved to sit with Becca, still holding Sienna. He loved stories from Rissi about her time with Becca.

  "As for Hunter, I've gotten to know him the past few months and even with some ups and downs in life, the one thing I've always seen is his love for Becca. I have no doubts they'll be happy together forever. These two are made for each other." Rissi picked up a glass and raised it. "To soul mates."

  Everyone around them cheered. Hunter leaned over for a kiss as glasses clinked. "I love you," he whispered after the kiss ended.

  Becca's eyes lit up. "I love you, too."

  As Hunter turned his gaze to the front of the table again, wondering who planned to make the next speech, he noticed a shadow from the corner of his eye. Someone lurked in the distance. His heart raced. He peered around the room, trying not to alert anyone. Was someone missing that he knew? Maybe someone went outside for a smoke break or to get some air? No, it seemed like everyone he knew of was accounted for. Todd and Beverly were seated on the other end of the table. Shara stood next to Rissi now, about to make her own speech. Eva sat near her parents. Doctors and friends from the Lange Center were here. Nope. Hunter couldn't think of why someone would be lurking outside the house, unless it was for no good reasons.