A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) Read online

Page 9

  When she hung up, Becca turned off the car, yanked the keys out, and ran over to see if she could do anything to help. Snow crunched under her feet. She couldn't believe how many people stayed in their vehicles and didn't get out to assist or check on anyone. There was a red Honda with the front hood and side all smashed up. Becca wasn't sure how bad the people inside were. Screams rang out from nearby. Child's cries.

  She fought down a wave of bile. Becca spotted a woman in the passenger seat, crying. She had a purple goose egg bump on her forehead with blood covering much of her face. Becca noticed the shattered windshield and the amount of red when she realized there was no one in the driver's seat. Choking back a cry, Becca moved faster, almost slipping in the snow. She found the driver- sprawled on top of another vehicle in the accident. All that blood! She'd never seen so much!

  There's no way that man made it through. Becca's heart clenched. It was like déjà vu all over.

  As she approached the car, the woman rolled down the window with tears streaming down her face. Blood poured from her nose, and her breathing came out loud and raspy. Becca glanced quickly at the smashed car door and wondered about the car that hit this one. The whole street was littered with car parts, and-

  She shuddered, thinking of the ejected body.

  "I'm g-going t-to have my b-baby! It's way too early!" The woman stuttered. "There's so m-much blood!" She was in hysterics.

  Becca charged to action. "Help is on its way. How far apart are your contractions?" She knew a little of this since she'd been there when Jade was born. Chad had been running late from a meeting and couldn't be reached when Rissi went into labor two weeks earlier than anticipated, so Becca became her birthing partner for the first half of Rissi's labor.

  "Four m-minutes apart. My husband- he wasn't wearing his seatbelt!" The woman's eyes rolled in the back of her head. "I think the accident c-caused me to go into labor. I was going f-for a check up appointment!"

  "Stay with me." Becca rushed to the side of the car.

  "Is my mom and dad gonna be okay?" A small voice from the back seat asked. A boy about seven or eight peered at Becca, his face full of blood as well.

  She didn't know how to answer that. The faint sound of sirens in the distance relieved her. For now, Becca could attempt to keep the woman and child calm until help arrived. The door was so far smashed in, she didn't think she could get it open. "I'm Becca, and I'm going to stay right here while help arrives, okay?" She said it to both of them, but looked at the little boy, thinking of Hunter. Was this the kind of fear he felt after the crash?

  "I'm Henry. My dad- he went through the glass. I can't see him!"

  The mother screamed and Becca winced. She held out her hand to the woman. "Squeeze my hand. It's okay. We're going to get y-you through this." If only there was more she could do. The wind howled, blowing snow in her face. Becca shivered, but she stayed right there by the family as help arrived. Several fire trucks, paramedics, and police cars pulled up to the scene, the flashing lights reminded Becca of a disco ball. The snow began to fall harder, making it difficult to see the scene clearly. Still, she continued to talk to the mother and son until paramedics arrived in front of the car.

  "What have we got here?" one asked Becca. "Are you all right?"

  "I-I'm not injured, I'm just a witness. The woman is in labor. She's got a little boy in the back, and the driver..." Becca pointed in the direction, afraid to say anything more, especially guessing his condition. The man hadn't moved from the spot. No doubt he'd died on impact. She choked up, pain and fear centering in her heart and spreading everywhere. This poor family. On a day ordinarily supposed to be filled with joy when a baby arrives, the roles were forever altered.

  Help swarmed all around her, running to different cars and pulling people from the wreck. Becca moved out of the way so the emergency crews could get the door open and the pregnant woman out. She should call Hunter and let him know, and also call Brock, but couldn't get herself to move. A tug on her shirt startled her, and Becca tore her gaze away from the scene. The little boy Henry, who'd been in the back of the car, stood beside her now, his face cleaned up of the blood. Wide brown eyes stared up at her.

  "My dad's dead, isn't he?" His voice came out in a squeak.

  "I-I don't know," Becca stammered, her heart aching for this family. She strongly suspected, but had no intentions of saying much more to the little boy about it. She didn't want to be the one to tell him. They were strangers.

  The boy clung to her, tears in his eyes. She hugged him back, watched the EMTs pull his mom out, and had to hold in a gasp at all the blood. The woman had her hands protectively wrapped around her bulging belly. "I knew a baby sister was a bad idea, but they didn't listen to me. Now I might lose everyone. Will you come with me to the hospital?"

  An easy request to appease the scared boy. Becca agreed. "I sure will." A bond already formed between the two. She knew exactly what he was going through, even though her own memories of loss were scattered.


  Hunter worried when Becca didn't answer her phone. He tried her three times and it continued to ring, then went to voice mail. He didn't know the name or location of Brock's gallery, but he did know where they were meeting for dinner. Maybe the phone reception was bad due to the impending storm. The location of the restaurant was out of the way, but Hunter wouldn't be able to sit at home without word from Becca. He had no reason to panic, but he definitely was concerned.

  Hunter tried once more and left a message this time. "Hey Bec, just checking in. I haven't heard from you in a while and wanted to make sure you're okay where you are. Call me back soon. Love you."

  It took him a good while to get anywhere near the restaurant, and when Hunter spotted emergency lights, panic rose from his chest, spreading upward. Please no! Hopefully Becca didn't wind up in this mess. As Hunter passed, he worried more. Scraps of metal were strewn across the snow coated road. A smattering of ambulances and workers were still on the scene. What a bad pile up. He pulled over on the side of the road, yanked his keys from the ignition, and darted across the snow to see if he could spot Becca's car or find someone to ask.

  Not Becca, not Becca. She has to be okay. Please let her be okay!

  Hunter fought down panic. He had no reason to believe Becca was part of this. But then again, she hadn't answered her phone in a while, either.

  "Sir? Are you looking for someone?" a male behind him asked.

  Hunter whirled around, tearing his eyes away from the mangled wreck of vehicles. "I'm looking for my fiancée. She was supposed to be passing through this area for a dinner meeting, and she's not answering her phone." He tried to sound calm, but even he knew it wasn't working. "Her name is Rebecca Lange. She drives a Subaru." Every pulse point throbbed as he waited on pins and needles for the man to find out for sure. Hunter scanned the mess again. So far, he didn't see Becca's car.

  "Sir? We don't have her name anywhere."

  Relief slammed him and Hunter didn't hear any other words. He ran back to his car, eager to get to the restaurant and see Becca sitting there with Brock, safe and alive. She may not be part of that accident, but until he saw her for himself, he wouldn't rest.

  Becca wasn't at the restaurant, either. He didn't spot her car in the crowded parking lot. Still, he ran inside and searched the crowd for her.

  "Hunter, right?" a deep male's voice asked from nearby. Hunter faced the voice.

  "That's me," he said with caution.

  "I'm Brock. I'm supposed to meet Becca, but she hasn't shown up. There's a real bad accident not too far from here-"

  "She's not there. I passed it on the way. Becca's also not answering her phone. If she's not involved in the accident and not with you..." His mind filled with very bad thoughts. Too many secrets had been revealed recently, too many people Hunter and Becca both didn't trust. And now, he couldn't get a hold of her.


  An hour later, Becca bought two bags of chips and two cans of sod
a from the hospital vending machines. She turned back to the seats to hand one of each to Henry. The doctors had checked him over to make sure his injuries weren't severe, and had let him sit with her. For some reason, the boy attached himself to Becca. Maybe because she'd been the one by their side while help arrived. He kept asking about his dad, but no one had come by to update him on either parent. He slumped in his seat, sullen and scared, and barely said a word to Becca. He seemed to at least take silent comfort with her being there.

  Someone approached them as Becca got comfortable again. "Are you a relative?"

  Becca studied the woman. She wasn't wearing scrubs or a white coat, so she wasn't a nurse or doctor unless off duty or just getting in. Then it dawned on her. A social worker maybe? Oh no, that didn't sound good! Her heart broke a thousand times over for the pain this family endured. "No, but I witnessed the accident. Henry and his mother asked me to come because I was at their side while we waited for help."

  "So you don't know anything about their family?" Becca had trouble reading the woman's expression. Bad news on Henry's mother? The baby? She desperately wanted to know!

  "Sadly, no." Becca's pulse quickened.

  The woman crouched in front of Henry. "Can we talk for a little bit? My name is Celia," she said in a calm, soothing tone.

  Becca excused herself for a moment to call Hunter and let Celia talk to Henry. When she stood, Henry panicked.

  "Don't leave, Becca!" he shouted, scrambling to go after her.

  "I promise, I'm not. I just need to call my fiancé before he worries. I'll be right over there. You can still see me." She pointed to a corner of the waiting room. The woman exchanged a worried look with her, then worked to calm Henry down.

  With a heavy heart, Becca moved away to call Hunter, still looking back to check on Henry. She had a feeling this woman was going to tell him his father didn't make it. Tears brimmed in her eyes and she pulled out her phone. On cue, Hunter's name registered on the caller ID, and her missed phone icon at the top of the screen lit up as well. She answered immediately.

  "Becca! I've been so worried about you. Where are you? I'm at the restaurant with Brock, who hasn't heard from you either!"

  "There was an a-accident," Becca stammered. Henry broke out in hysterics and she knew. "I'm at th-the hospital with-"

  "What? Bec, I'm coming right now. How bad are you hurt?" Hunter's voice raised several octaves.

  "No, it's not me. I'm fine. I witnessed an accident, a huge pileup, and I went to help. A woman went into labor early. They have a little boy, and the mom and son begged me to come with. I think- I think their father is dead." She choked back a cry. "Right across the room a woman is talking to the little boy, and he's hysterical."

  "That's terrible," Hunter whispered. "I'm coming right up there, okay? I'll come be with you. I'm so glad you're safe."

  "I'm sorry I didn't call you."

  "I know, Bec. I would have forgotten, too."

  "It reminds me-"

  "Of what we went through. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I'm on my way, angel."

  "Hunter, be safe. It's terrible out there, and we don't need you in a wreck."

  "I promise, I'll be safe."

  Becca wished he was here already. Hunter always had a way with words. He knew how to be comforting. She always stumbled over her thoughts, especially in dire situations, and she had no idea what to say or do right now. Tears streamed down Henry's face. He looked up at Becca. The fear and terror in such young, innocent eyes tugged on her already aching heart. "My dad's gone. He's gone!" Henry cried, running to her. He plowed right into her arms. Becca held him close and stroked his hair. She didn't know this boy, and the boy didn't know her, but they had a rooted connection because she'd been in his shoes twenty years ago. She understood loss. "Mom's in surgery, and I don't know about my baby sister, either! I'm scared!"

  Chapter Nine

  Becca was safe, but Hunter wanted to get to her as soon as possible. She sounded so terrified over the phone, and understandably so. Not only did she witness an accident, but from what he picked up, the situation sounded similar to their own story.

  Hunter ran through the snow, sliding in spots, but he kept up his pace until he reached the hospital doors. They slid open, and immediately warm air engulfed him. He darted toward the waiting room in emergency and spotted Becca sitting in a chair, comforting a young boy who clung to her.

  "Bec," he said softly, sprinting toward them. She raised her head. The tears in her eyes tore him up inside. The boy at her side looked a little younger than Hunter had been when the plane crash happened. He also stared at Hunter with curiosity.

  "Who are you?" he asked, wiping his face.

  "My name is Hunter. Becca's my fiancé." He moved to the seat beside them. The boy's gaze followed him.

  "Are they going to take me away from my mom? They said she's in surgery. I don't know what's going on. My dad- he died!" He broke down again and buried his face in Becca's shirt. Becca silently pleaded with Hunter for help while she hugged Henry.

  Hunter patted his shoulder, and as he did so, the boy whipped his head up to glare at him. "I've been where you are right now," he said softly, feeling the years and years of heartache bubbling up once again. If he could help this boy even a little, then Hunter would do it. Henry had already attached himself to Becca. "I lost my dad when I was young too, in an accident."

  "Was your dad mad at you when he died?" Henry asked.

  Hunter blanched. "No. Was yours?" He couldn't even imagine. Sure he'd been a little upset and disappointed over missing summer camp, but as far as he could recall, he hadn't been mad at Dad and vice versa. If this young boy's last memory of his father was of them being upset ... How heartbreaking.

  The boy nodded, tears filling his eyes again. "We had to go out of the way because of me. Maybe if we didn't go that way, he'd still be here. Mom wasn't supposed to have my sister yet."

  "Do you have any other family to call?" Becca broke her silence.

  "No, I don't think so. If I have grandparents, I don't know them."

  So damn similar. Hunter sucked in a ragged breath. This hurt, bringing back memories.

  A woman approached with hesitance. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked Becca.

  Henry jumped up, alarmed. "Is it my mom? Is she okay?" Becca stood as well. Henry stuck close by her side.

  "The doctors are taking good care of her, Henry," the woman, Hunter guessed her to be a social worker, said soothingly. Becca followed her, and they rounded the corner. She must have been around earlier.

  "I'm scared, Hunter," Henry cried.

  "I bet you are, buddy." He squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them to focus his attention on helping this child. He had a long, hard road ahead, and there was no telling on the condition of his mother.

  Hours later, Hunter took a walk after calming Henry down from another fearful crying spell. He wanted to see his father, even though he was gone. He wanted to know how his mother was. He wanted to go home and get something to make his mom feel better. At 2 am, they hadn't had any recent updates on Henry's mom, and with how much he relied on Becca, there was no way Hunter was leaving this hospital- with or without her. They'd spend the night tonight to ensure Henry had someone to comfort him. Celia, the woman who'd been coming around, seemed nice enough, but Henry wasn't comfortable around her at all, not the way he was with Becca and Hunter now.

  When he returned from his walk, Hunter stopped and stared across the room. Someone brought a blanket out and had given it to Henry. He was now wrapped up in the beige material, curled up at Becca's side. Becca's eyes were closed as she rested her head on the back of the seat, her arm around Henry's shoulders. The sight, while painful, Hunter also found beautiful. Becca just became someone's hero by what most would think was a simple gesture, but to a young boy with a future uncertain, it meant everything.

  What would happen if this boy's mother didn't make it? If he had no other family? Or what if there was, and
they weren't equipped to take care of a child, especially a premature baby? Hunter continued to watch Becca while a million thoughts swarmed around in his mind. He gripped a pole and knew he should move, but couldn't seem to do so. He remembered when he had to say goodbye to her the day the elder Langes came to fly her to Vermont to live.


  "I'm not ready to say goodbye!"

  Hunter stalled Dr. Ross when she brought him to the hospital that day. Becca was finally doing well enough to be released. A good thing, and Hunter couldn't be happier that she'd recovered as well as she had, but he didn't know how to say goodbye to the little girl he cared about. He was afraid to be alone without her, and wondered how she'd do. Everyone saw by now how Becca responded to him. Hunter didn't understand it himself. Becca had become a very important part of his life. She'd shown how much she needed Hunter, but he needed her just as much.

  "I know you aren't, Hunter, but Becca is better now. Don't you want to see her before she goes home?"

  "Of course I do!" he declared. "I might not ever see her again. She's all I have." The past few days, he debated asking her grandparents if they'd adopt him so he could stay with Becca. They seemed like nice enough people, but Hunter wasn't too sure about them. They didn't seem like lovey kind of grandparents. When he pictured grandparents, he thought of the ones who gave their grandkids kisses, hugs, and spoiled them. He never knew the feeling, since his grandparents on Dad's side died young and Mom never talked about hers. Becca's ... they were kinda scary. If he went with, at least she'd have someone to protect her from scary. Then they wouldn't have to do so much. He'd take care of her in every way he could.

  He spotted Becca, surrounded by her grandparents and aunt. Now she seemed genuine. She picked up on Hunter's closeness to Becca and gave him her phone number and address, promising that if he wrote or called, she'd keep him in contact with Becca.