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Fallen Idol (Love and Music in Texas Book 4) Page 9

  "Blaine, Randy! Help me contain the crowd. They're all hovering over Kyra, and I don't want everyone taking pictures and spreading this everywhere. I'm going to get her somewhere quiet," he shouted over the roar of the music and the students. Brushing past dancing kids, he made his way to Kyra. "Back away from her, please! And I'd better not see anyone's phones out with cameras, you hear me?" He crouched down by Kyra. Her whole body trembled, and painful whimpers escaped her lips. "Kyra. It's Matt. I'm going to get you out of here. It's okay." What the hell happened? She was scared out of her mind! But what caused it? He scooped her up in his arms. Her eyelids fluttered open and shut, and she clung to him.

  "Come on, everyone. Nothing to see here!" Randy and Blaine tried to engage the crowd, but most continued to linger. As Matt rounded the corner out of the gym and into the quiet hallway, the school's nurse ran up to him.

  "Is she okay? What happened? Is that Kyra Sanders?"

  "I'm not sure what happened," Matt admitted. "Yes, it's Kyra."

  "Here, let's go to my office." Her voice was full of concern. Good, at least the nurse wasn't inconsiderate about Kyra's state.

  Carrying a still shuddering Kyra, Matt followed the woman to the nurse's station. Matt set her down on one of the cots in the back. He had to move to let the nurse check her over, but he didn't want to. His mind raced, trying to understand what happened.

  "I'm okay. I just- I fainted. That's all," Kyra insisted, sounding alert.

  "Did you hit your head?" the nurse asked.

  "No. I swear I'm fine. I could use a drink of water and I'll be okay."

  Matt moved back to her line of view so that Kyra knew he was there.

  "I'm going to get her a drink and check on the other students, see if someone knows what happened," the nurse said quietly to Matt.

  "I'll stay here with her," he replied.

  The woman nodded, showing her concern, and walked out of the room without another word.

  He blew out a breath. Would Kyra open up to him? Time to find out. Matt sat beside her and took one of her hands in his. "You had some kind of anxiety attack, didn't you?" he asked softly, just throwing it out there. That'd be his guess, but why? Did someone say something? Threaten her?

  "Not here, Matt," she pleaded, her voice etched with emotion.


  "I'll talk to you. I'll tell you what happened, but not here. Not when I don't know who's listening or taking fucking pictures!" She shot to her feet, then staggered.

  Time to get her calm.

  "Okay, okay. Sit back down. I'm sorry. I'm just worried, and I don't know what that was about, but it seemed scary as hell." He tugged on her hand, bringing her back to sit beside him. Kyra continued to tremble.

  "I should have thought more about this. I thought I was ready," she said in a small childlike voice. "What am I going to do? If I can't handle a crowd like this, how am I going to deal with my comeback tour in the summer? I thought I was ready!" She sniffed as tears ran down her cheeks.

  Unsure what to say, Matt pulled her in his arms and held her tight. She clung to him. Her heart pounded wildly.

  The nurse re-entered the room moments later, bringing a Styrofoam cup of water, which she handed to Kyra. "I'll be in the gym if you need me." She lingered a while, keeping a close eye on Kyra.

  "I'm okay," Kyra insisted.

  Matt didn't think the nurse was convinced, but she nodded in response and headed out. The click of her shoes against the tile softened, indicating she was on her way back to the gym.

  "I'd better brace myself for the morning headlines. I know there were pictures taken." Kyra let out a long, frustrated sigh. "You don't have to stay here, either. Go back to the dance and enjoy the night with Andrew. Please, I'm begging you."


  "Thank you for getting me out of there. I'll be right out. Just give me a few to pull myself together." She pulled away from him and picked up the cup again, lifting it to her mouth. "Damn it, they're announcing the King and Queen of the dance. I really wanted to see it."

  For a split second, Matt wished his lips took the place of that cup. He shook his head. Now where the hell did that thought come from? Maybe he did need to get out of here before more odd thoughts filled his head.

  Still, he longed to linger close to Kyra. She wasn't okay, and the idea of leaving her alone didn't feel right.

  "Why?" he asked.

  She shrugged. "Just wanted to know about it. I never did do these dances thing, remember? I just wanted the experience."

  He studied her. Maybe fame had it's downsides after all, especially if they started out in the business young.


  The dance and clean up lasted two more hours. Kyra felt all the stares. She heard the whispers. There'd been a lot of pointing and questions, all directed toward her. Finally the time had come to leave. The other chaperons thanked them for coming, and when everyone was satisfied that clean up was sufficient enough, they left.

  Blaine reached out to Kyra. "Take it easy, okay?" She didn't press the issue. Kyra liked that about the woman. She got a sense from the few times being around her that Blaine spoke her mind very bluntly, so she appreciated the fact that even though she'd seen Kyra's meltdown, she didn't ask about it.

  "I will. Thanks." Then she turned to Randy. "I need to hear your band soon. Please let me know when your next performance is. I keep hearing praise for Baby Stetson, so I want to know for myself."

  He smiled. "Will do. I have to double check our schedule, but I know we have a handful of appearances coming up."

  They said their goodbyes to Andrew, Matt, and Daisy, and then Randy drove away.

  The ride back was tense. Silent. Daisy, Andrew, and David had quiet conversation in the back. Kyra was willing to bet they all had the same question, but dared not ask.

  Matt pulled up in front of the house. Amy's car was there. When he put his in park, he reached for Kyra's hand. "I'm going to take Daisy home, and then I was thinking about coming back. Would you be up for that?"

  Up for his company? Yes. Up for talking? Hell no. She couldn't avoid it for long, not after what he'd witnessed tonight. "You don't have to." Not a good response, but Kyra's mind was still a mess.

  He frowned. "I know. I want to. I'll be gone twenty minutes, tops."

  She gave in. No sense arguing. "Okay." Opening the door, Kyra stepped out of the car and waited for David. She dreaded what kind of mood her sister was in and how she'd react inside.

  "Bye, Kyra! Nice meeting you! Thanks for saving the fate of our dance tonight." Daisy waved from the back.

  She smiled. So she'd done something right for just a few people. "It was my pleasure."

  Matt drove off. David followed Kyra up to the house. Just as she was about to unlock the door and go inside, the sound of footsteps from behind startled her. Bracing herself for a photo ambush, she whirled around. There were no reporters or anyone with cameras, much to her relief. It was only Mrs. Winters. "Hi."

  "I wanted to let you know Amy is over at our house. She's pretty upset, and has been for hours. I didn't want you to worry."

  Well, Kyra wasn't sure whether to be glad or disappointed, but at least her sister was somewhere safe. "Thank you. She was pretty harsh with me earlier."

  "So I heard. I'm gently trying to coax her to sit and talk to you, but so far she's not budging."

  "I can't force her, and I don't think anyone else will be able to convince her right now, either." Kyra's shoulders sagged. "I don't know what to do."

  "Give it time. That's the best advice I have. I should get back, but I wanted you to know. I heard about earlier. I don't mean to pry, but are you all right?"

  She grimaced. Yeah, that one's gonna be all over the news tomorrow. Famous Kyra Sanders had another meltdown. Oh the joy of the questions and comments after that. "I was just a little lightheaded," she lied. Could the woman see right through her? She sure as hell hoped not.

  "Get some rest then. Good night, Kyra. Good night, David

  Kyra grasped the doorknob and stared off as the woman headed back next door. Kyra went inside with David.

  "Is Andrew coming back with Matt?" David asked.

  "I'm not sure," Kyra replied distractedly.

  Her brother hugged her. "I'm glad you're okay. I love you."

  "I love you too, David. I can't believe how grown up you are." She messed with his hair.

  He groaned. "That's what people say all the time. I'm not sure I'm ready for being grown up, not with all the stuff I've seen lately. I'm scared for Mom and Dad."

  Kyra's heart sank. "Yeah buddy, me too. It's slow progress, but they're getting better."

  "Are you going to come back more? You probably have to leave soon, don't you? I don't want you to go."

  She closed her eyes. "I'll be back and forth. Now that I've come here, I don't want to be gone so much, but I have obligations that I've agreed to. I'm sorry it took so long for you to see me again. I had a really hard time for a while. I was afraid."

  "Of what?" David's curious gaze landed on her.

  "Everything." That was the simplest way to put it.


  "Because..." Kyra thought about the best way to answer this. "Things happened that were hard to deal with."

  David folded his arms. "You don't want to tell me because I'm not as grown up as you say I am."

  "No, it's not that, David. It's hard to talk about. I thought I faced some of my problems, but they still affect me."

  He stared at her, as if trying to figure her out. "Okay. I won't ask about it. I'm going to go play a game and wait to see if Andrew's coming back. Is that okay?"

  "Of course it is. Thanks for helping out tonight. I hope you had fun."

  "Yeah, it kinda was." He smiled, then took off up the stairs.

  Left alone to her thoughts, Kyra sank down on the couch and reflected on tonight's events. Tomorrow was going to be interesting. Moments later, the doorbell rang. That must be Matt. She rushed to answer it. Sure enough, both Matt and Andrew stood on the other side.

  "Is David still awake?" Andrew asked.

  "Yeah. Go on upstairs. He wasn't sure if you'd be coming back or not," Kyra replied.

  "Okay." Andrew climbed up the stairs. Seconds later, she heard the boys laughing.

  And now she had to face Matt and a conversation she wasn't looking forward to. After what he saw tonight, it was only fair to explain what happened. It was more than just fainting. She'd had a full blown anxiety attack in the middle of that room, and the rumors would fly in every direction possible.

  "You look better. Not as pale," Matt commented, keeping his distance.

  "I feel a little better."

  "That wasn't a simple case of fainting, though."

  She shook her head. "No, it wasn't."

  "Didn't think so."

  The air grew thick with tension. It seemed Matt didn't want to ask, even though he wanted to know, and Kyra didn't know where to begin. To let out these thoughts to a stranger- well he wasn't much of a stranger, but she didn't know a lot about him. A friend of the family, single father, handsome, jaded about musicians, or so it seemed. What else did she know about Matt?

  "If you had a safe place to go right now that would help you talk, where would it be?" Matt moved toward her.

  "Honestly? The tree house. Call it silly, but..."

  "Not silly at all. What do you say? You, me, a soda, and the tree house. We'll play a game of Truth."

  "Like truth or dare?" she asked, her interest piqued.

  "No daring. Just truth. You tell me one truth, I tell you one. We'll start off with simple things that are easier to talk about, then get to the deeper stuff that we both want to know, but hesitate to say." He grinned sheepishly. "Too bad this wasn't well thought out, because now I'm hoping you have some soda."

  Kyra gasped in mock horror. "The nerve," she teased, pushing at his arm gently. "Let's go raid the fridge and see what we have."

  Turns out there was soda in there. She grabbed two cans, handed one to Matt, and they made their way to the tree house in silence. Nerves danced in her belly in waves.

  She climbed up first and settled in a comfortable spot in the tree house. Why hadn't she changed first? Oh yeah, because she hadn't expected Matt to really come back, let alone for them to come up to the tree house. "I gotta say, this is a pretty cool little spot. You guys did great with it."

  Matt situated himself beside her. "It was fun to build. We did this a few years ago, before..." He stopped.


  Matt fiddled with his soda can, looking down. " I guess nows the time to start our truth game, so here goes. Truth. My ex-wife left Andrew and I to pursue music, and ended up dating an R&B singer."

  She'd known part of this, but Matt's admission crushed her. "I'm sorry. That explains why you were hesitant about me."

  "I really do feel shitty about that. I've been jaded for a while. Andrew wants to play guitar, and I balk at that one, too. It's not fair, but I can't seem to get past it. Truth is, I expected you to be different."

  "Like high class, snobby, disgraceful... should I go on?"

  He frowned. "No. Don't go on. You're right. I thought the worst of you before I got to know you. It didn't help that the first time I met you was when you rear-ended Blaine's car."

  "I have a way of making lasting first impressions," she joked, "just not always the good kind."

  "Yeah, but twelve hours after that, I was very impressed with you." Matt reached for her hand. His warm, calloused fingers over hers sent tingles up and down her spine.

  "I'm still a troubled musician," she shot back.

  "Maybe, but I've learned there's a lot more to you."

  Kyra shifted and sat up straighter. They'd skipped the easy stuff and gone to hardcore truths. She blew out a breath. "I guess it's my turn. Truth. They say the accident was my fault."

  Chapter Eleven

  Matt could tell Kyra's skin turned a ghastly shade of white, even with little light to work with. He almost wanted to tell her not to talk about it, but maybe it was better if she let it out.

  "It was the night before my twenty-first birthday. I was celebrating another number one with my band mates, a few friends, and the guy I was dating. Things got out of hand. There was drinking. There was chaos. My memories of that night are really foggy. It was a stormy evening." Kyra stumbled over her words.

  Matt thought back to when she rode with him during the sleet storm. That explained a lot.

  "I don't remember being the driver, but when they pulled me out after the crash, they pulled me from the driver's seat. My best friend and drummer ended up paralyzed. Her boyfriend died." Kyra choked up. She was shaking again. "There were two others in the car, and another car full of friends was following us. We were hit head-on by a semi. I think we might have hit black ice. I'm not sure."

  On instinct, Matt pulled her in his arms. He didn't want to, but needed to hear the rest of this.

  "I was in the hospital for a few weeks, healing. I'd fractured my ankle. I'd also been hit by something in the chest, making it hard for me to breathe, talk, or sing. Then the police came. I couldn't give them much information. I don't remember driving. I don't remember drinking so much. I wasn't even twenty-one yet. Drinking wasn't something I thought about!" She took a deep breath before continuing.

  "I ended up on a long probation period, with lots of community service, some meetings I had to attend, and programs to complete. I didn't do jail time, which pissed a lot of people off. They claimed favoritism because I was a star, that I got off for murder too easily. Involuntary manslaughter, they called it. I had a few shows left later that year that I planned to finish, until the second one. The crowd booed. Threw stuff at me. I was threatened. Then, as I was leaving, the crowd swarmed around me and someone attacked. I remember the screaming and threats. I wasn't badly hurt, but it caused me to have a breakdown, and I had to go check in somewhere for a while, because I feared everything and everyone."

  "And that's when you went into a hiatus," Matt said softly, still holding her close.

  "Yeah," she muttered through her tears. "Tonight, I thought I could handle a crowd. It's the first major crowd I've been around since that night. I think Amy yelling at me brought on the anxiety. The memories hit me, and I freaked out. God, the media is going to have a field day with this one. I'm already dubbed as a fallen idol. I've had so many letters about how I let down young teens who looked up to me. So many don't feel I deserve a comeback. It's why I waited so long. I was so damn afraid."

  Holy hell. This was bad. He'd always known about an accident, but hadn't expected this.

  "Did you ever look more into the accident?" Matt asked.

  She scrunched up her nose. "What do you mean?"

  "You don't really remember drinking. You don't recall driving. And you took the rap for it?"

  "What are you saying?" She was more alert now.

  "The people you were with, how far would they go to protect themselves from trouble?"


  The thoughts had always been there in the back of her mind. For years, Kyra wondered and wondered some more about the events around the accident. She'd been reckless, yeah, but her memories were never that horrible before.

  Thinking back, who had so much at stake? Would the people that were supposed to be close to her really try to pin the blame on her? They would have had to move her to the driver's seat. They'd been out in the open. No witnesses, other than the people in both cars. The semi-truck driver claimed he never saw who was behind the wheel. It was all based on what Kyra's bandmates and friends said. But why? Why would any of them have done that?

  Duh, someone was killed! Whoever was really responsible would have been in trouble!

  When Kyra's reputation and popularity plummeted, her friends and bandmates disappeared, too. She'd always chalked it up to being hard to be around her.

  "Damn, Matt," she whispered hoarsely. This really had her thinking.